Tuesday, December 16, 2014

32 Weeks

Another good day today!  The twins hit the 32 week gestational mark.  At this milestone, they start doing "Cycled Lighting."  They leave the lights on between 8am and 8pm so the twins will start to understand day and night.  They will keep the blankets over the isolettes to keep the light out of their eyes.

Speaking of eyes, they had their first eye exam today.  Preemies are at risk for ROP which is abnormal blood vessel development in the retina.  Their exams showed their eyes are still too premature to know if they have it so they will try it again in 2 weeks.

Otherwise no big news.  We held both kids.  I was able to swaddle hold both (not together) and kangaroo Grayson.  Trish kangarooed Scarlett.

Editor's note:
I have heard a few people have tried/wanted to comment but ran into issues.  If you don't have a Google account (or another option on the dropdown menu, feel free to choose Anonymous.  This way you won't be taken to a log-in page.  In my paranoia, I might even copy/paste the comment somewhere else before I click post in case there is some other error.

And now for the pictures you're here for!
 When we left.

 During Kanagaroo time.

 This morning.

 This morning.

 During Kangaroo time.

 Getting her "care" time.  The nurse is checking her skull to make sure its not shifting due to the mask.

 This is an outfit passed down from Grant's (another NICU baby) parents who received it from a NICU graduate who received it from another NICU graduate.  We hope the good fortune continues!  Plus it is gender neutral, but we ran out of the clothes we had at the NICU for her so she gets to wear it first.


  1. Another day of "thank you". God we ask you to continue to bless and heal and grow these sweet babies. Thank you for another milestone. Please keep them coming. Grant many uneventful days so that Tricia and Tim can relax and enjoy swaddle holding their little miracles. We are so grateful that Scarlett and Grayson are no longer on the ventilator. Please help their lungs develop so that soon they can breathe 21% oxygen all the time. And God, we ask St. Lucy whose name means "light" to help us in our prayers for health for the babies' eyes. You have been so generous in answering our prayers...please hear us again. Mary, our Mother, we ask you to intercede with your Son. He loved the little children in His time here on earth and we trust in His love for Scarlett and Grayson. Please God, look into the depths of our hearts and see the gratitude that our words cannot adequately express.

    Tim, thanks for the pictures...I carry them around in a folder now so I can keep them in order when I show them around. And, another option when posting is to choose "Name/URL" and you can just type in your name and enter the numbers to show you are not a robot. That's the way I have been posting. Love to all of you and prayers unending.

  2. Thank you, thank you for another good day for these precious babies and their parents! 32 weeks, what a journey! Prayers and requests to Heaven continue to guide the way and light your path along this journey. Thank you for keeping us posted and up to date. For so many of us, our days begin with checking this site and often end with checking in once more in the evening. The pictures are wonderful, the babies are growing and I love seeing them in their own clothes. Thank you, thank you prayers to Heaven. Another good day today? Yes, we would love another good day. Blessings to all of you.

  3. Wonderful news! The first thing I do every morning is to read your blog and see how the twins are doing. You are amazing parents.
