Tuesday, December 9, 2014

bath time

Thankfully we don't have many updates today.  We are starting to try and ween Grayson off the ventilator.  They lowered his Breaths per Minute and turned his pressure down slightly.  His pressure today was 30/6.  If he behaves today, we will try him on 28/6 tomorrow and then test his blood to make sure he is getting enough oxygen in his lungs.  If we can't get him off the vent successfully (or if we extubate him but it doesn't last), we will probably try dexamethazone (a systemic steroid).  In the meantime, he started flovent, an aerosolized steroid.  He will also have more lasix, probably a full course to pull the fluid off his lungs.

After looking at the nutrition labs, we did decide to increase the amount of formula they would be receiving.  At this point, they will be getting half breast milk feedings which should equal about 27 calories/ounce.  We will continue the liquid protein on top of that, but discontinued the MCT oil.

Grayson weighed 3 pounds 7 ounces.  Scarlett weighed 3 pounds 4 ounces.  We were both able to help bathe Grayson last night and today Trish helped give Scarlett a "bath."


  1. Sounds like a solid plan. I love that you are getting to be more and more involved! Prayers continue, love to you all.

  2. Thank you God for short updates...thank you for helping Grayson have a better day. Thank you for keeping Scarlett in your care and for allowing the only update to be her weight! Looking forward to the day when bath time will include splashing and baby giggles and rubber duckies. Thank you for all the blessings you have bestowed on Scarlett and Grayson, Tricia and Tim. We ask you to keep them in your loving embrace and help both babies to grow and thrive. Mary, our Mother, please continue to ask your Son to watch over this family and guide the medical personnel in their care of the twins. Our hearts overflow with gratitude for the improvements in both babies. Thank you God!

  3. Okay, all good news. Special prayers for Grayson that he might respond well re: breaths, oxygen and lasix for the fluid in his lungs. We are very thankful for quiet days. Thank you, Jesus, that the twins continue to develop and grow day by day. While praying for them last night, I reminded myself that God is unfolding His perfect plan for them and we are grateful that He is holding them close to Himself. Mother in Heaven, keep these precious twins close to your own mother's heart and continue to interceed for them, for their needs and for all that Tim and Trish need as their parents and advocates in the NICU. Love to all of you.
