Tuesday, December 30, 2014

34 Weeks

Today they reached the 34 weeks gestational age.  By now we wanted to make sure the nursery was completed, had our bags packed, toured and decided which hospital we wanted to visit, rehearsed the drive, and red our books about sleep schedules, raising twins, and being Godly parents.  Obviously, the twins had different plans.  We found the hospital and didn't really feel we had a choice because Riverside was the place we knew we would be if there were any complications.  I plan on putting the cribs together and installing an Elfa closet system this weekend.  The book reading will have to go on hold unless I can find digital versions of the books we bought that we can read while kangarooing.  BUT we have already had 8 weeks to love on our babies!!!

Today's updates.
I was wrong on yesterday's weights but today Grayson lost 25 grams and is now 4 pounds 7.6 ounces.  Scarlett gained 70 grams and is now 4 pounds, 12.9 ounces!

Scarlett struggled last night on her oxygen and had a couple Brady Desats.  At one point they increased her oxygen from 30 to 35 and then ultimately moved her up to a flow of 4 liters (from 3).  This morning she was back down to 30 but with the increased flow.  Because of those issues, they decided to hold off on her eating for now and told us that she may need to go back to CPAP.  However this evening her oxygen level is at 26%, so hopefully she remembers to keep breathing.

Grayson had his bath day, which came in handy because a couple hours before Trish bathed him, she was holding him while he loaded up his diaper!  He has an oxygen of 24% at the moment.

He had his caffeine discontinued today.  They will give young preemies caffeine when they are on respiratory support that is not a ventilator because it helps the brain stay alert and remember to breathe.  Grayson has been on it since just before Thanksgiving.  Scarlett came off caffeine last weekend when she had the tachycardic events (which have not resurfaced!)

They also had their ROP eye exams today.  This was a follow-up from 2 weeks ago when both kids had immature eyes.  Today, Grayson's eyes were still too immature to make a determination but Scarlett was diagnosed with Stage 1 ROP.  As with many other diagnoses, this could lead to something scary and debilitating (blindness) or she could grow out of it and be completely OK.

I will have to post the pictures tomorrow because I left the camera at the hospital :-/


  1. Good morning Shea Family. Still good news and good happenings going on, in spite of the few minor adjustments that you posted. Yeah for bath day!
    We will pray for those desat issues and Scarlett's eyes and all that both babies need, right down to the last little detail. Their Heavenly Father will provide.
    Love to each of you.
    8 weeks to love those babies! God is good!

  2. Hello from Marietta where I have lots of prayer support for those babies. I know that I have seen the answer to prayer many times already in the 8 weeks and have faith that we will continue to see it as they grow and mature. Can't wait to see you all again,

  3. The western Ohio prayer support is in full force as well...God, please let Scarlett stay off the CPAP and let Grayson get off too. We thank you for their growth and progress. Please help resolve any eye issues so these children can appreciate the beauty of the world you have given us. Mary, our Mother, please continue to intercede for Scarlett and Grayson...breathing and eye issues. We trust in the love your Son has for them and their parents. Please, God, grant us the requests we bring to you in faith.
