Thursday, December 4, 2014

My Birthday

Trish with Grayson

Me with Scarlett

This is a crazy season.  Our kids missed Halloween by a day, but we have the honor of being NICU parent's through Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Years.  We had a terrific experience on Thanksgiving with local relatives hosting a delicious spread.  We were able to visit with our kids in the morning, go to supper, play games, then head back to the hospital.

Today was my birthday.  It was different.  Trish and I already decided we wouldn't celebrate it today.  Honestly it doesn't seem important in the scheme of things.  Almost selfish even.  Why would I want to spend time in a restaurant when my kids are eating through feeding tubes?  How could I expect her to go shopping for me when we haven't bought our 1 month old children a single outfit yet?  Birthdays are not holidays.  They are great to spend with family but are not designed to bring people together.  I was able to hold one of my kids today, but I had to choose.

With all that said, today was one of the best birthday's I've ever experienced.  It was nice to see those Facebook messages and texts roll in, but it was exhilarating to stare into my daughter's face, at her bulging eyes from her CPAP mask and her mouth wide open or chewing on her feeding tube.  I didn't choose her over her brother.  Grayson is sicker, and studies have shown that mothers doing Kangaroo Care significantly help their kids get better.  They assume that dad's have a positive effect too, but the results are not as obvious.  Did you know that women have 4 separate "zones" on their torso that can help regulate temperature?  For example, if Trish were to hold both twins and Grayson was warm while Scarlett was cold, the side Grayson was off would cool down and Scarlett's side would heat up.  Isn't that crazy?  Any/everyone who lays on my chest is getting heated until we all pass out ;-)  In the NICU we are not allowed to sleep while holding them, but I can't wait to have them home, passed out on my chest on a lazy Saturday morning!  And did you know that bond can be of medical benefit too?  If a child is exposed to a germ or infection, the mother's body will add the appropriate antibodies to the breast milk so the baby will avoid the sickness or recover faster!  AMAZING!

We did have major changes in the respiratory department today.  Grayson's ventilator setting weren't doing the job.  After looking at the gases in his blood and how much air he was inhaling/exhaling and his breathing pattern, they changed almost everything.  I am hoping the doctor who made those decisions today will be on tomorrow so she can explain her thought process and concerns.  But I think the basics of the idea are to start over and see if we can get a good baseline to ween from.

Scarlett however, was doing SO well on the SiPAP, they switcher her to CPAP!  She is on the same machine but she now has 1 constant pressure.  They increased her oxygen because transitions can be tough, but she was doing well this evening.

Here is a pic of the diapers they started in and are in now.  The smaller diapers were too big a month ago.


  1. Tim, I am so glad that you had a good birthday! You are an outstanding husband and father. And I pray that God continue to bless you with all that you need to be Trish's rock, the advocate for your twins, as well as Ethan's dad. We all appreciate your posts and look forward to your updates. Thank you for keeping us in the loop.
    May the babies continue to develop, grow and progress, day by day, step by step.
    Continue to depend on God's graces and strength and look forward to those lazy Saturdays with your babies snuggled on your chest.

  2. Ditto Marianna's comments! And thank you for the Coke can helps with the perspective. You truly are a real placed your children and their needs above your own. God bless you and give you the grace to continue to grow in your role for your babies.

    God, please keep the twins firmly on the road to health and healing. Thank you for Scarlett's leap to the next stage with the CPAP. Help her continue to do well and make forward progress. We, again, beg your special care for Grayson. Please let the Doctors make decisions that will help him with his lungs and breathing. Mary, our Mother, remember that never was it known that anyone who fled to your protection was left unaided. We beg you to intercede with your Son for Tricia and Tim's son, Grayson. This little guy needs your help. God, we never tire of thanking you for your blessings on Tim, Tricia and the babies. We have faith that you do not get tired of our prayers asking your special help for all of them and, at this time, especially for Grayson.

  3. You are such outstanding and amazing parents! I am so proud to have you as family. The twins could not be in better hands...chests...well you know what I mean.
