Monday, December 8, 2014

Praise God

Amazing news today!  Grayson's echo revealed that his PDA was slightly smaller.  I don't have the exact measurement, but this means we won't need to do surgery at this point.  We are going to discuss treatment options in more detail tomorrow, but anticipate that we will continue on the course we are currently on, limiting his fluids.  We also may do a course of lasix,

Grayson's head ultrasound revealed no changes.  They think his ventricles looked smaller, so maybe he won't have PVL.  We will probably hold off on another head ultrasound until early/mid January when he reaches 36 weeks.

We also gave him a bath today!


The only negative news was about nutrition.  His prealbumin levels were low, reflecting that he may not be getting enough nutrition.  We will discuss this situation with the doctor and nutritionist tomorrow.

We held both kiddoes for almost 3 hours.  Scarlett is doing well and does not have any real updates.


Father God, we thank you for all the answered prayers today.  We ask that you continue growing them and heal them supernaturally.Please give us wisdom and guidance as we discuss treatment plans with the medical team tomorrow.


  1. Early yesterday morning I sent an email out to the Alter Community begging for serious prayer for Grayson. We had an all-school Mass for the feast of the Immaculate Conception which was offered for Grayson's intention. And because it was the feast of the Immaculate Conception, I even sent an email to the Basilica of the Shrine of the Immaculate Conception in Washington, D.C. to get the babies and especially Grayson added to the intentions for daily Mass and the prayer list of the Shrine's Guild. So...if anyone doubts the power of prayer, let them come talk to me!

    God, yesterday my prayer was anguished and I fought to keep fear and doubt at bay. But, yet again, you showed me that you have this under control. So today, I come to you again but with prayer filled with praise and gratitude. While my words are inadequate, I know you see beneath them into my heart and know the feelings I cannot express in words. I know you recognize my humanity and I trust that you understand that any fear I have is a result of my weakness. Please God, I ask again that you continue to bless Scarlett and Grayson. Please let Grayson have turned a corner here on the way to continued growth and healing. You know the fear Tim and Tricia have felt because of their intense love for their children. Give them the comfort of your care and surround them with your love. Mary, our Mother, you have again demonstrated the power of your intercession with your Son. Please hold the Shea family in your loving embrace. Thank you God! Thank you God!

  2. Thank you God! So many thank yous! Sister Dennis- I believe!!!!!!

  3. Woke up this morning to hear Josh Groban'll have everything you need, if you just believe... Thank you prayers all day long today for the good news! Thank you, Jesus, thank you, Mother in Heaven...thank you.
    I'll visit the little chapel later today to light candles of thanksgiving and continued growth, healing and development. Why does it surprise us, when we realize that God is hearing our prayers, that no word uttered from our lips or our hearts is lost to Him.
    Thank you, Father in Heaven. Continue to bless Grayson and Scarlett.
    I love the pictures, you can almost see their little personalities shining through.

  4. Wonderful news. Our baby is due the end of jan. At 29. Week appmt they saw enlarged ventricle we prayed and prayed with in a week they were in normal range and two more weeks both were a six! We give god all the glory. He is still working and developing your little ones. We pray for your babies often and are thankful for this good news.
