Monday, December 29, 2014

8 Weeks

This weekend was a whirlwind as we needed to balance time with our existing family and new additions.  We couldn't help but feel whoever we chose to spend time with was choosing to neglect the others.  We did our best.  The kids seem to be more stable so it makes it easier to be away, but they are also getting bigger and that adds more opportunities to interact with them.

Today, Grayson was moved to a CPAP pressure of 5.  This was a goal on Saturday but he was in the middle of a spell when the doctor came around and his oxygen needs were higher than they felt comfortable with.  But the CPAP pressure are variable.  For example, I believe today the machine was delivering a pressure of 8, knowing that it would lose 2 units of pressure (I believe the units are cmH20 but we don't discuss it in the NICU).  When he opens his mouth or turns his head (adjusting either his mask placement or airway opening), the pressure might drop to 3.  So when the doctor orders the pressure to be set at a number, this is more the baseline that goes down in the records.  The nurses will try to achieve that pressure, especially when they are already messing with them such as their care times every 3 hours.  But if their pressure drops, they are sleeping peacefully, and getting their oxygen levels, they will probably not adjust him.  So I don't expect things to change much, other than the doctor will feel more comfortable taking him to a pressure of 4 soon.  That is typically the last step before they typically decide to try a high-flow nasal cannula.

Which brings me to my first exciting update.  At 8 weeks old (Saturday), Scarlett moved to the high flow cannula!!!!  She had a little bradi-desat (heart rate and oxygen levels dropped) when they were messing with her to make the transition, but otherwise she has done very well.  She has her desats but it is no more than she was having before.  The biggest difference of the machines is the cannula doesn't really offer the pressure the CPAP does.  Technically they can increase the flow of the oxygen but really Scarlett has to do 100% of the work to get the oxygen to her lungs.

The best part of this breakthrough is that it is a gateway to other milestones.  At 33 weeks gestation (last Monday), babies can theoretically suck, swallow, and breathe.  Prior to that, they won't let the babies try to eat, but instead feed them through a tube.  So today, the doctor said we could start letting Scarlett try to eat!  She spent her 3pm care time with mom breastfeeding!  Then she had her first bottle at 6.  She is a typical preemie so she didn't take all of her food and needed to be given then remainder down her tube.  The bottles are pretty easy to determine how much she gets.  She took 15mls on her first bottle, just under half of her feeding.  When breastbeeding, they have an estimate for how much fluid she receives based on how much time she is actively sucking, and a 30 minute time limit to finish.

Today Grayson weighed 4 pounds 6.9 ounces and Scarlett weighed 4 pounds 8 ounces!

I cannot explain how proud I am of my daughter and how excited I am for her twin to follow suit.  I thank you for your prayers and support and thank God for comforting us.

Trish with Scarlett.  If she looks tired it is because this was around midnight on Saturday night/Sunday morning.


  1. Thank you God, for the huge milestone for Scarlett and for the progress Grayson has made. It is so wonderful to be able to see Scarlett's beautiful little face without the huge tube and cap. Please give Grayson this opportunity soon. Thank you for blessing Trisha and Tim as they continue their balancing act between the twins and the rest of their family. Help prepare them for the long awaited day when they can take their children home. Mary, our Mother, please continue to pray to your Son for Scarlett and Grayson. We are especially anxious for Grayson to be able to wean off the CPAP. Thank you, God, for giving Trish the opportunity to breastfeed Scarlett and please let Grayson's turn come very soon.

    Thank you, Tim, for the update and new pictures. The babies get more beautiful every day...did you ever imagine almost 5 lbs. Always prayers and much love to all of you!

  2. Look at that big girl! Woohoo! And yay for Grayson! What WONDERFUL news! So happy for you guys as you near the final stretch!!

  3. The pictures get better and better every time you post! The news is wonderful!
    We are so very happy to read about these new milestones.
    You have all come so very far.
    Continued blessings as the twins keep making these great advances in their development, as they gain weight and grow stronger day by day.
    Thank you, Mother in Heaven, for taking each and every prayer and petition straight to your loving Son. We are so very thankful and grateful; we are in awe as we watch God care for Grayson and Scarlett, for Tim and Trish and Ethan.
