Friday, November 21, 2014

Coming down off the IV Tower

Grayson had a huge day today!  His PICC line was taken out around 4ish but then Trish did Kangaroo Care from 6-9pm!  It was our longest skin-to-skin session to date.  His breathing tube placement is tricky so we needed nurse help a couple times, but when he wasn't moving his head and causing himself to destat he was loving it!  They want to get him off the ventilator ASAP so they ordered an X-ray for tomorrow to see his lungs, but decided to move his settings down to 25 Breaths Per Minute.  Grayson spends most of his time "breathing over the vent" or taking in extra breaths, but if he gets tired, the machine will make sure he gets 25 breaths.  I am praying that his lungs look good enough that we can ween the pressure settings down and get him on a CPAP.  The longer the babies stay on ventilators the more likely they will have respiratory issues later on in life.  Also, he gained some weight today and was up to 2 pounds 9 ounces!

Scarlett's day was more stable.  The X-ray revealed her PICC is in a good position now.  Her most recent blood cultures remain negative.  Her current X-rays show her left lung more dense so she is back to laying with her left side down.  She spent a couple days on her other side as they try to position her on her most affected side.

In "Care Time" some of the nurses let me lift the babies off the bed.  The bed has a built in scale that zeroes itself and then tells us the weight once we replace the baby.

Hopefully, we are all done with his IV tower for Grayson.  They took out his PICC because they don't need to run any IVs or antibiotics.  We unplugged it and were able to move it out of the way.


  1. God, it is a good thing you know what is deep in our hearts because I have no words to describe my gratitude for Grayson's big steps today. Thank you for giving Tricia the opportunity for 3 hours of KC! Since I am sure you know how deeply grateful I am, I feel confident in asking you to give Scarlett her turn for "big steps" as well. Heal her lungs and keep her blood cultures clean! Finally, although I know you don't need to be reminded...give Tim and Tricia the strength they need to sustain them through this journey, Thank you for giving each of us the opportunity to witness your daily miracles in these wonderful babies. And be patient with us as we continue to ask for more!

  2. This has been such a great week! Thanks be to God!
    We pray for continued steps of progrsss and strength for the entire family! I can't wait till Matthew wakes up to tell him!

    May today be more steps big or small - praying for positive steps toward going home! Praying the babies will be free of infection and for the doctors and nurses to be guided by God's hands!

    Sister Dennis is going to be so excited!!! I am wondering if she got to sleep in today- I hope so. So used to seeing her bright an early.

  3. Oh wait Sister Dennis you must have commented while I was getting ready! Have a great day!

  4. So very happy to see the tower unplugged and moved away from Grayson. I have a smile on my face and thank you prayers in my heart. And yes, we ask for 'big steps' for baby sister, Scarlett! You are all surrounded in prayer. Whisper to those babies how much we love them and how special they are.
