Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Never Trust a Preemie

Earlier today I read a blog where a woman recounted her doctor always said "Never trust a preemie," and recount scenarios where kids had very easy NICU stays but had significant issues the rest of their life, then others who had challenging issues but went on to live completely typical lives.

Yesterday we had our family baby shower.  It was such a joy to see everyone!  Before that, Trish and I were in the NICU before the shower and Trish was able to do Kangaroo Care with Grayson!  This activity is where the baby has skin on skin contact.  Check the video out here:

You will notice that they taped his tubes to make sure they don't move.  They both did fantastic!  Later that night I was able to hold him!  We both held him this evening again too!

At Sunday rounds, they laid out a plan to get Scarlett on a normal vent.  That plan was escalated today when the nurse noticed her guard had shifted on her face.  When they tried to reposition it, the tube came out.  They bagged her and decided to reintubate her and put her on the normal vent.  She was doing pretty well after that, but the nurses are only doing 4 "hands-on" cares per day with her because she does not like being jostled and her stats dip when they are messing with her.  I decided to try hand containment, and watched her stats rise until the alarms were dinging the she was above the alarm limits (95) for O2!

The team did head ultrasounds last night, and unfortunately Grayson has a grade 3 IVH, Intraventricular Hemmorrhage (brain bleed) on his left side and a grade 4 on his right.  Scarlett's scans were clear.  Preemies who have these conditions have significantly greater chances of physical and psychological issues including Cerebral Palsy and ADHD.  Just when I started to trust him....

We know that God has a plan but this is the most afraid I have been since the morning they were born.  I trust Him and pray that he heals them both super naturally  I would also ask for prayers for Trish and I, to stay close to God and feel his comfort.


  1. Pat, Cindy & the tripletsNovember 11, 2014 at 1:42 AM

    Keeping you in our prayers! So great you guys could hold him.

  2. Continuing to pray!!! It's great that you were able to hold those precious babes!!

  3. We continue to offer prayer and sacrifice for improvement in the twins' health and strength for you and Tricia. Father offered Mass for them and you yesterday (Monday). I hope that you will soon be able to hold Scarlett as well as Grayson. Remember, you will never face a challenge greater than what you and God can handle together. Keep Faith!

  4. Keep the faith! God always helps us with hurdles we don't think we can jump. He's there!

  5. Amanda Clark (Dawn's BFF)November 11, 2014 at 8:03 AM

    Continuing to keep you and your family is my prayers! May the Lord put his hands on you, Trish, and the babies in the name of Jesus! Lord be with them during this time, to comfort them, and heal their hearts Lord! Give them the faith they need to understand that you have your hands on Scarlett and Grayson through it all! I pray you stay with all of them Lord including all the family and friends that worry about these babies Lord! In the name of Jesus I pray! AMEN!

  6. So wonderful that you were both able to hold those precious twins. Prayers continue for their health and development. Prayers for you and Trish as well. Let God calm your fears; He has a plan for these babies and His own Mother is holding them close.
    Sending love and blessings for the day.
