Sunday, November 2, 2014

Daddy's Hands

Today I had my first moment where I realized how delicate my children are.  Grayson had a moment where he "Desat" as in desaturation as in not breathing/getting enough oxygen.

The NICU is a pretty intimidating place.  There are lots of monitors and they give off many alarms.  The nurses gave me some sound advice, that I shouldn't freak out unless they freak out.  So I started to learn what the numbers mean and that some of the alarms are actually really good signs.

But this morning, I saw what I think was the nurse freak out.  I heard the chiming of the alarm but was on the backside of the alarms but noticed our nurse radio someone, saying something about Desat.  Next thing you know, 3 more medical professional swoop in, the doctor, the nurse practioner and someone else.  They asked me to take my arm off the top of incubator and next thing I know the top of the container rose up and the sides flipped down.  They removed his oxygen intubation tube and rotated him 90 degrees and started "bagging" him to help him breathe.  They grabbed another intubation kit but that was about the time I had to step out because I wasn't ready to cope with the fragility of life.  But hours later (or so it seemed, but was really minutes if that), they got the intubation tube in him and all is well!

Here are a couple pics from earlier this afternoon.  The color looks strange because they have
Photo Therapy" going on.




  1. That had to be so scary. We always said the NICU is 2 steps forward, 1 step back. At the beginning you may see lots of episodes...we are praying there aren't many and that your NICU stay is BORING. They are both so so cute. Hope you all have a peaceful night.
    B Muchmore

  2. I've got everyone I know on this side of the state praying for Scarlet and Grayson. We remembered them and you at Mass this afternoon. I pray with my students at the beginning of each of my classes and we offer our prayers and work in class for the health and safety of the twins and strength and courage for both of you.
