Friday, November 28, 2014

Thanksgiving Day

Short update today because I am tired.  We had a wonderful dinner with family but started and ended the day in the NICU.  Trish held Grayson this morning while I held Scarlett.  As happy as I was to be able to do that, a large part of me was sad that we were there.

Scarlett is still doing well on SiPAP!  She finished her run of antibiotics.  She may need another unit of blood tomorrow so the night nurse wasn't planning on taking her IV out, but soon enough!  They are going to do another head ultrasound tomorrow because of her Meningitis.  Normally they would wait until she is near term.  She is up to 1315 grams which is about 2 pounds 14 ounces.  She looks bigger but is also a little puffy.

One of Grayson's labs came back and unfortunately came up with another infection.  UGH!  This time it is a UTI, so he is back on antibiotics.  I guess I am happy that we found a reason for him to be behaving the way that he is but I am SO tired of the I word!


  1. Keep faith, Tim! The journey is long and the road is bumpy but you and Tricia CAN do this. Remember that God never gives us a burden to bear that is heavier than we can bear with his help. Your faith is strong! It is only human to feel the immensity of what you are facing and sometimes feel discouraged.

    So today, God, we pray that you continue your loving care of Grayson and Scarlett. Thank you that the medical team was able to discover what was causing Grayson to be lethargic and please help the antibiotics to do their job. We are grateful that Scarlett is still doing well with the SiPAP...she struggled so long on the osillator...please help her to keep moving forward and continue to be able to receive KC. But today we need you to hold Tim and Tricia especially close to you and give them the strength they need to make it through each day with courage. You know how faithful they are to doing the job you gave them as parents of Scarlett and Grayson. Give them many bright moments to help them along the way. And since they are human, after all, give them peaceful rest so their bodies can be as willing as their spirits when they greet each new day with the tiny miracles you have entrusted to them.

  2. Again, we say Amen! Life in the NICU is difficult and challenging. Hold on to one another, Tim and Trish. Asking God to gather you to His heart today, hold you dearly and give you all that you need. Even when we are too tired, too exhausted, too weary to pray, God hears our every thought and need and honors them. Love to both of you and the twins and Ethan.
